
R511 PAX Blood microRNA Kit

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R511-50R511 PAX Blood microRNA Kit50次4980

PAX Blood miRNA Kit is designed for isolation of total RNA >18 nucleotides (including miRNA) from blood samples stored in preservation reagents and PAXgene® Blood RNA Tubes. This procedure completely removes contaminants and enzyme inhibitors producing high-quality RNA. RNA purified using the PAX Blood miRNA Kit is ready for applications such as RT-PCR.
The samples are removed from the preservation reagents. For blood samples stored in PAXgene® Blood RNA Tubes, the cells are collected by centrifugation. Samples are washed and lysed under an optimized buffer containing Proteinase K. The samples are centrifuged to remove cell debris and other particulates. After adjusting the binding conditions with isopropanol, the samples are loaded on the RNA binding column. With a brief centrifugation or vacuum step, the samples pass through the column matrix which binds the RNA/miRNA.Genomic DNA is removed with an on-the-column DNase I digestion treatment. After three wash steps, purified RNA/miRNA is eluted with RNase-free water.



